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General information & frequently asked questions about your consultation

It is common to feel stiff and sore following treatment. This usually lasts around 48-72 hours. Most people describe their reaction as similar to aching and pain felt after exercising. It is common also to feel tired after a treatment. If you have any concerns about your treatment please contact me.  

You have been seen by a qualified and registered osteopath who has provided an appropriate course of action on your first visit. If you have been asked to return for a follow-up appointment your osteopath will have explained the importance of doing so to achieve a particular outcome.  


Patients are allotted approximately 45 minutes for their first appointment and approximately 30 minutes for any follow up appointments. Allotted times are not fixed and your osteopath may spend more or less time during your appointment. Time spent on treatment is dependent on the complexity of the problem or how much can be achieved on each visit. Time is also required for providing exercises and advice.  


If you have been asked to undertake some exercises please try to do these regularly and follow the plan set by your osteopath. If your osteopath asked you not to exercise, there will be a reason for this which was explained to you and you should wait until advised otherwise.    


Always try to remain active if possible; this helps your recovery as well as maintaining your mobility.  


If you have been referred for a scan or further investigation please keep in touch to let us know the result.   


Do I need a referral from a doctor?
As osteopaths are primary healthcare providers, there is no need for a GP referral. They communicate and work closely with doctors/consultants if required by the patient's case and with clear consent from the patient. 

Does my health insurance cover osteopathic treatment?
Your health insurance may  cover osteopathic treatment.
Different providers have different levels of cover, so please check with your insurer before any consultation.

I am registered with Aviva, Cigna, Simply Health, Vitality Health and WPA.

You are responsible for payment to the clinic at the time of consultation. You will be provided with a receipt (on request) for future claim submission to your insurer.

Please note there may be a fee payable if patients fail to turn up for an appointment or do not provide us with 24 hours’ notice. Remember other patients may be waiting for an appointment.   


Ref: Institute of Osteopathy 

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