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When I came to see Gabrielle, I had a huge pain to my shoulder for over 6 months. After 3 sessions, the pain disappeared and I can now use my shoulder and arm with no problem at all.  Many thanks, Gabrielle, very good job and very professional. 
I recommend Gabrielle to anyone suffering with joint issues.  Gabrielle knows her stuff and she is very pleasant.

A. P.


To whom it may concern

I am a life long believer in the beneficial effects of osteopathic treatment, which I use in combination with massage therapy for a chronic back condition.  I have been seeing Gabrielle intermittently for eight months.  Before treatment I had to climb stairs one at a time with the same leg leading because of pain from my buttock along the IT band down one side of my left leg and suffered from almost continuous pain in one side of my neck. After a very few treatments I was able to climb stairs properly and undertake long walks without discomfort. My neck pain was also significantly reduced.

Gabrielle gave me a very thorough initial examination, checking on my general health, asking me to bend in all directions and testing my reactions and reflexes in all areas. She took careful notes, including drawings.  Each time I see her she continues her painstaking assessments.  Her treatments are systematic and comprehensive; she explains what she is doing in layman's language and always answers questions. She gives me clear exercises to do between sessions.

 I now see her on a maintenance basis.

A. M.

South London

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